
"I shouldn't have eaten so much paste when I was a kid." Said Hughy on the verge of tears.

Glenn shrugged. "Yeah, but who would have thought that the thing you ate the most as a kid would turn into your superpower when you grew up? Do you think I like being able to shoot spaghetti sauce from my fingertips? My power is pretty useless too."

Hughy rolled his eyes, "Okay. Fine. Yours is stupid too. But dude. I'm literally sticking to everything. Everything! My mom freaked out because I ruined my bedsheets and beyond that the mesh on my actual mattress. Do you have any idea...any idea at all, how difficult it is to open doors without using your hands? How hard it is to turn on faucets or the shower? I feel like a damn Muppet!"

"Hey!" Glenn snapped, pointer finger waving in the air. "Don't you go badmouthing the Muppets."

Hughy scoffed. "God, don't wave that thing at me."

A coat of blush consumed Glenn's cheeks as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "In my defense, I can control it...for the most part."

"For the most part isn't good enough for me. I don't want tomato sauce all over my face." Hughy retorted.

"I mean. I do have to ask. What was your fascination with eating paste? I remember you just going through gluestick after gluestick in Mr. Stark's class. I thought you were super weird."

"Everyone thought I was weird."

"Right, but you also liked Street Sharks. I think you were the only one who liked that show, so I considered you a friend."

"I don't know," Hughy started. "I was six? Some kids ate sand or dirt and I liked eating gluesticks. They didn't taste like anything."

"That doesn't help your cause for eating them," Glenn argued. "Did they make your stomach hurt? I imagine that many gluesticks would have done a number on the gut."

"Not to my knowledge."

"Well. I mean. It's a superpower, right? Think about it...criminal tries to get away. You grab them with one hand and brace yourself to the wall with the other hand until the cops show up."

"That is absolutely pointless if they have any kind of weapon," Glenn argued.

"I'm just trying to think of the positive. Last night I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about what I'd do if someone broke into my house. What the hell am I going to do? Shoot tomato sauce on the hardwood so they slip and fall? That's not very good either."

Glenn closed his eyes and shook his head. "I don't know. I guess let's hope no one tries to attack us. We have the stupidest superpowers ever."

"'re right about that. But we do have a pretty cool team name."

Glenn rolled his eyes and did his best to hold back his laugh. "What? Team Tomato Paste?"

"Team Tomato Paste," Hughy said with a smile from ear to ear.

"God. You're an idiot."

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