The Secret Agency

(I intended for this to just be pretty short but I got carried away smh)


"So, who's going to die today?"

My hand went up almost immediately. When working for the king's secret spy agency, any mission I can get on I want. Seargeant Haku stared me down for a moment before saying, "Ah, whatever, Beckett gets it."

I smiled to myself, knowing that although it would be dangerous, I would earn the respect of everyone in the agency if I accomplished it. To be a female in this business was challenging, as no one ever saw me as an actual worker instead of just a little girl who wanted to be a spy.

The history of our country is long, brutal, and bloody. I'll spare you from the story. Now, the loyal subjects have it alright, they aren't dirt poor (anymore), and it almost seems as if they are safe. They're not. A force of rebels had formed about twenty years ago and has built up their force to a small army of 2,500 people. That is about half of the kingdom that we live in. So, the king decided to create his own spy force to catch and use rebels for information to take down their cause. The only way to learn all of this is to get into the force, which is very prestigious, yet still, nobody respects me.

The mission Seargeant Haku had me assigned to be a rebel spotting in the Southwest region of Corrux, our kingdom, and to capture them and bring them back here. Easy work.

I was sent along with another agent, Xavier Aden, who, to say the least, was a showoff and mildly distracted the entire time. The ride was long, and to seem inconspicuous we had to disguise ourselves as normal citizens, which meant putting on clothes over our gear. I tied up my light brown hair, and threw a long dress on over my vest, and stepped into the van with Xavier. He was wearing farmers garments, and a sunhat over his dark hair, which made him look way more inconspicuous than me.

"So, rookie, you ready?"

"Xavier, I've been here the same amount of time as you. And yes, I'm ready, are you?"

"Whatever rookie."

The rest of the car ride was silent, except for Xavier continuously cracking his knuckles.

When we arrived, we stepped out onto the hot pavement, and looked around the small neighborhood. It wasn't the nicest area in the Southwest region, with small apartments and houses all crammed together, graffiti all over the walls, a certain smell in the air that was not pleasant, and the smoky, dreary sky from the factories was not helping in the slightest, but I had been too worse. Xavier sniffed the air and made a disgusted face.

"Ew, do you smell that? What is that?" I rolled my eyes, already scanning the area for potential rebel meeting places.

"Come on, let's get to work."

"Alright, jeez sorry roo-" I glared at him.

"Shut up."


We went around some of the tenements, looking for places that could hide people. There was nobody outside because it was midday, so they were all int he factories, but I still felt on edge.

"Hey, Beckett, do you think this could be important?" Xavier was almost yelling.

"No need to yell, but-" No matter how annoying he was this looked like what we needed to find. A door against a house, but going into the ground? Too suspicious.

We used our tools to open to door, and then climbed into a dusty basement. At first glance, it would look normal, like the kind of place people would keep things they don't need. There was a table and chairs in the middle of the room, junk everywhere, and piles upon piles of books. Then I saw that the map on the wall had something behind it. A bulletin board full of rebel ideas, pictures of the king, and something called "The Plan."

"Uhhh Xavier? You might want to check this out."

"What's up?"

"Just look at this!"

"Wha- Oh this is definitely what we're looking for." We discussed a plan to take all the information we need, and bring it to the king, but the plan never was put into action, because we heard footsteps running down the stairs, and the click of a gun being loaded.

(I actually love this so much, should I continue it as a story??)

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