Being the Key Bearer was a difficult job, but it came with its benefits…

Key Bearer

He was the Key Bearer. Ever since birth he could open any door, he could unlock any chest, and crack any lock. A master criminal. Despite being the greatest thief in existence, he couldn't steal the one thing that mattered. A heart. You see, as the Key Bearer grew up he realized his gift related to humans too. Secrets were known and innermost thoughts were heard. He loved it. No one could lie, cheat, or deceive themselves in front of him. It was great, until of course, he found it difficult to find something stimulating. He knew everything that was interesting. Girls' drama. boys' trauma and overall deep dark secrets. It was hard to get to know anyone. This was constantly on his mind. He couldn't get to know anyone the traditional way. He could just, well, know. The summer breeze was nice. A sharp contrast to the warmth from the sun. The park was bustling with life. Shrouded in secrets. He saw kids playing. One had sharp blonde hair, the other dark green. The blond one would push the green one off playground sets. "I'm the winner!" He would yell. The Key Bearer chuckled, his voice full of warmth. To the Bearer all the scene was, was the blonde wanting to impress the green one. Little kids were so cute. Beside them, there was an old couple. They had to be well in their sixties, but they were still holding hands. They still had the small sparkle in their eyes as the first day they met. The Bearer would hardly find genuine relationships. The exceptions were mainly little kids and old people. It's because kids haven't lived enough to become deceitful and the elderly have lived to long to continue the lies. That was the one benefit to his gift. He actually got to see real feelings. Everyone else just had to believe in kindness and good, genuine intentions, but he knew they were they. Maybe not everyday. Hardly any day, but they were there. Like a fresh day outside in summer. Rare, impossible for some, yet, despite all odds, it's there.

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