The Gifted One

It had been two weeks since Eliza had failed all five of her midterm exams. She had been the straight A girl all her life, the one who never got anything under 90%. What happened to her? It had been the pressure. It had crushed her and broken her instead of turning her into a diamond like her parents always told her.

So who could blame Eliza when she took the credit owed to Billy Jean? He wouldn't care, he didn't care about anything. Eliza hadn't planned on lying about it, and she hadn't really. All she had done was not reveal the truth. It wasn't as if anyone had point blank asked her, "Was it really you who put out the school fire?" No, they assumed it was her when she was found coughing in the ashes. Billy had been there too but after his foul three year record, no one would think of him as the true hero. No, of course it was Eliza. Perfect little Eliza who could do no wrong and was about to receive yet another award but this time for something she didn't do.

Eliza had meant to tell the truth, she really had. At first. That was before her parents found out and had become so proud after months of disappointment since her sudden burn out. Eliza had thought it was her last chance to win something, to watch pride in her parents eyes.

Besides, Billy Jean's parents had died. He had no family to be proud of him and Eliza did. She had even worn her best dress, a long and modest green dress her mom had picked for her as an award for receiving an award in every class last year. She wouldn't win any this year, Eliza would be lucky if she even passed. Eliza wasn't sure she could withstand someone else getting her awards. What would everyone think when the "gifted" student wasn't given any awards?

If Eliza wasn't a winner, what was she? Nothing.

It took herself forever to come to terms with what she was doing. It was stealing the award from Billy Jean, but he would say something, right?

"... We now welcome our school hero, Eliza Preleen." Everyone clapped as Eliza took the award, shaking the Mayors hand for pictures. She made eye contact with Billy Jean's dark green eyes as she looked into the crowd. She looked away, memories of the last time she had seen those eyes rushing back to her.

After all, she owed him more than just the award. She owed him her secret.

If someone else would get her award, what was the point of school? She had thought that before lighting the match for the wood work classroom where she hadn't noticed Billy hiding in, writing his stupid poetry.

What did it matter it was Billy Jean's award after all? She was the gifted one after all, not him.

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