Hands in The Air!

"Hold it right there!" One of the officers growls.

"On your knees. Hands where I can see them!" Commands another.

I look around. How did I end up here?

"NOW!" I jump, when one of them yells, but do as I am told. I kneel down and raise my hands. One of them approaches me with his handcuffs at the ready, while the others keep their pistols pointed directly at my head.

He tightens them around each wrist, then drags me away, my legs fumbling under me, trying to keep up. He dumps me in the back seat of a police car, and then I am joined by two more officers - one on each side. They are practically sitting on me, to be honest. I try to wiggle my thighs from under theirs but it's of no use. It's like they weigh a million kilograms!

When we arrive at the station, they drag me out. My head smacks into the car frame due to their carelessness. I think it will leave an ugly bruise on my forehead. They take me to a room with only a table and a pair of chairs inside. All metal. They sit me in one of the chairs and cuff me to the table. And leave. I'm alone. For the first time since I woke up. I still have no idea how I got there. The last thing I remember was putting my kindle next to me on the pillow and turning on my side to sleep. How did I end up surrounded by cops in the middle of the road? I have no idea.

The door slams open and I jump in my seat.

"So...." Questions the officer through his rotten teeth. I just blink at him. What am I supposed to say? "Are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?" He leans forward from across the table, his face uncomfortably close to mine.

"I-I swear I have no idea about how I got there." I stammer, scared. I just want to go home.

"So the hard way then." He motions to someone and he obediently comes in with a tray, carrying a variety of sharp equipment.

I gulp. "I am telling the truth, I swear! One minute I was asleep in my room. The next I was on the street."

"Yeah sure." He picks one of them, its sharp tip gleaming in the LED light of the room.

"No, please! I swear!" Tears start pouring down my face.

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