Submitted by Petit-Mythe

Describe someone walking through a field. Something important happened there - try not to reveal it until the very end.

Nothing Important Happened Here

"What a random spot where absolutely nothing important happened,' you joked. I smiled as I looked around. The street had meant nothing to me just weeks before. Before you. The trees had just started to turn orange, yellow, and red, and there was a beautiful tree ahead of us. Just past it was the where the busses for our school waited every day until 3:30. I squeezed your hand tighter.


"I'm so normal," I had joked after telling you about some of the very not normal things I had done. I wrote a book about you. A book I couldn't believed you loved.

"I don't want you to be normal," you had responded. Then, you pulled me into a hug. One of my favorite hugs ever (they're all from you). I wanted it to last forever, but I realized we had stopped in the middle of crossing a street, so I took a few steps forward and just held your hand tighter.


"Nothing important," I responded, blushing and giggling a little. I leaned into you as we walked. Maybe it wasn't the easiest way to walk, but I liked being close to you. We walked slowly past the spot where it happened. You squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back.


After walking a block and turning the corner, we had gotten there. Where it happened. I don't even remember what we were talking about. I don't remember what I said.

But you kissed me. You kissed me for the first time. There was hair in my face the first time we had kissed. Then we kissed again. Then I realized I should probably get my hair out of my face. Then I realized I should probably hug you back. I was so shocked by you kissing me, I forgot to hug you back. And then we kissed one more time. I had been surprised by how soft your lips felt. I wanted to kiss you again and again and again.

We had squeezed each other's hands tightly as we had walked under the tree and turned left to walk past the bus circle and towards the school. "God, I have to go to volleyball after this,' you had said. "How am I meant to focus after that?"

"I have to do homework," I had said in agreement. We made it to the bike rack and you unlocked your bike. We kissed one last time before I walked the opposite direction you were biking in.


"I love you so much," I told him as we walked past the place where absolutely nothing important happened.

"I love you too," you responded before leaning over and kissing me.


When I got home the day after we had I first kissed, I had taken a nap. A short nap just because I was tired. I had waken up maybe half an hour later. I sat up, checked my phone, and- and then I remembered you kissed me. I smiled and blushed and wanted to talk to you so bad, but you had to go to volleyball. And I had a lot of homework to do.

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