Inspired by Jewelie Rain

A couple go to their respective best friends for advice on the same thing.

Create a dual-perspective narrative showing their different conversations.

The Guard Pt. 2

Cassia dusted her face with a pink blush. Combing back her long dark hair, her ladies in waiting came in her room to style it. She smiled a little bit in her mirror, thinking of the face that prompted this new desire to look her best at all times. She hadn't seen him since that fateful night when he saved her from Cato, but he had infiltrated her mind, and now she was always on the lookout for him in the vast halls of the castle. Her dress today was simple, but beautiful, nonetheless. A lavender sleeveless look with a drop waist corset in the same color, and pale pink embroidery on the hem and corset edges. Her jewelry was simple, gold bands around her wrists, and a gold matching necklace. She finally decided on a hairstyle, putting it up into a high bun, letting some strands and pieces fall just so. Still no shoes though, comfort was still one of her top concerns.

She walked out, forgetting that she still had yet another essay from her father to complete, but that didn't matter right now. Walking outside, into the warm sunlight of the late afternoon, she searched for Maryn. Not finding her at the arena, she walked around the outdoors areas her sister frequented, losing track of where she was at one point and beginning to wander. And that was when she stumbled upon the guards training area. Punching bags, sword fighting, and equipment were all there for them to work with and she figured she couldn't be seen from where she was, behind a tall oak tree. She scanned the area, wondering if maybe Damian was there. And to her surprise, (and delight), he was. She watched, dreamily as he worked out. Lost in thought, until a sharp tap on her shoulder scared her.

"Checking out the guards?" Maryn teased her, pushing her gently.

"Thats not funny." Cassias face was suddenly red, hoping Damian didn't see her. Maryn's face was suddenly softer. "What's up with you? You've been all weird and shy ever since the Valentines left."

Cassia wordlessly grabbed her sister's hand, face aflame and ran down towards the back of the castle. Sitting by the pillars she sunk down onto the marble flooring, looking out over the mountains. Maryn spoke first.

"Will you please tell me what's going on? Is everything okay?"

Tears welled up in Cassias eyes, thinking of the whole story, and it didn't take long for it all to come spilling out, a teary rendition of all of the events that had taken place.

"In conclusion, everything is more of a mess than it was before, because now I think I have the tiniest crush on one of the guards."

Maryn wordlessly hugged her sister, something soft and accepting in her embrace.

"First off, you should have told me about Cato. I would have killed him for you. And second off, I won't tell anyone about your crush on.. Damian, is it?"

Cassia sniffled. "Yeah, his name is Damian."

"Well, you're secrets safe with me. Although you will be in so much trouble if any of this ever comes to light. Father has always had a plan for our love lives, and I don't think handsome, dashing guards are a part of it."

Cassia let out another sob. "I'm well aware."

"Listen, I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying that it is the life we were given, and for everyone's sake we should try and follow it as best we can. The advice I would give you is don't pursue him romantically, if you two are every caught he could be executed. Just, respectfully admire from afar." She winked then. "At least, that's what I do."

Cassia laughed then, feeling better. The two went back to Maryn's room, where Maryn let Cassia braid her hair and tell her more about her guard.

Damian sat on his bed in the guards' quarters, sore after his training. He still couldn't shake what he had seen earlier out of his mind. Cassia Caldwell, watching the guards from behind a tree. He wondered if maybe she was watching him, and the thought made him feel all warm and strange. The princess was slowly infecting his mind with her pretty smile and soft hair and bright eyes, and he possibly had a crush on her. Hell, it might even be reciprocated, and the thought made him smile before shaking it out of his mind. Of course it wasn't reciprocated, she was going to have an arranged marriage and probably gave Damian little to no thought. He sat on his cot, thinking, when a pillow hit him in the face.

"Sinclair!" One of the other guards, Marcus Black ran over to him, holding out a paper.

"You've got a letter." Damian grabbed it, excitedly opening it and reading it over.

It was from his mother, telling him about the house and market where she worked. He missed her more than anything else, the royal guards were only allowed to go home once a year, around the holidays. He knew his mother was lonely, his father had died when he was very young, and he had no other siblings. He had only taken this job to help out with the money situation, as the cost of living in the East had gone up dramatically and she wasn't earning enough for the two of them to live on her income alone.

Marcus startled him once again. "Who's it from? A girl?" Damian smacked him with the same pillow.

"It's from my mother you pervert; she was just updating me on what it's like back home."

"Oh. Thats way more boring than a letter from a girl."

"I don't have a girlfriend, who would be sending me letters?"

"You don't? What happened to Jane?"

Damian put his head in his hands, Jane was his past girlfriend, and an unpleasant memory to say the least. "I was told that she was seeing one of the stablemen in my town behind my back, so I broke it off with her."

Marcus's eyes went wide. "Oh, man, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's alright, she was awful even when we were together. I don't miss her." The two laughed, but it was solemn.

"So, tell me, is there anyone who's caught your eye after Jane?"

Damian swallowed, nervous to tell Marcus about Cassia, but eventually decided to. "Well, I did have a moment with someone. We talked a bit, and now I can't get her out of my head."

Marcus fake gasped, "Let me guess, Cassia Caldwell?"

"How'd you know?"

Marcus smirked, "I overheard a few of the guys talking about your valiant rescue. But really Damian? It's a pretty big risk just speaking to one of the princesses, let alone having feelings for one."

"I'm well aware."

"But I support you and her, as long as you don't get yourself killed. Personally, I've always had a little thing for Aurora."

Damian laughed then, "She would kill you in a second."

"That's what makes her so attractive." They laughed, but the sound was solemn at its heart.

Marcus spoke up once more, "Listen, I get it if you think you really have feelings for her, but there are more dangers to her than any other girl in Elaris."

Damian put his head in his hands. "That's my problem. I'm sure I'll get over it though."

"That's the spirit!" Marcus clapped his friend on the back. "Alright, I'm heading to the showers."

"You didn't shower?!? I let you sit on my cot!"

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