Your protagonist's health is steadily declining but the doctors keep insisting they are fine.

Write a story from this characters point of view.

The Mind Game

How do I look, that's the second time I asked Maratha for a reaffirmation and as usual she replied, Pete there is nothing wrong with you, get out of it before you actually get sick.

How on earth my own wife is unable to understand what I'm going through, it's just beyond me, I thought to myself. I couldn't sleep properly at night, I tossed and turned all night and Maratha still thinks there is nothing wrong with me.

That's what the doctor said yesterday when I went to see him with Martha. Doctor said the similar thing as Maratha which made me a bit suspicious about them two talking behind my back. How come I couldn't get a good night sleep, I asked the doctor in desperation. It's because you are are overthinking and you need to get out of it.

The doctor prescribed me some tablets for the night sleep and said this would calm you but you need to get a break from work and go get a vacation with Maratha, change of place would do you a lot good.

I listened to doctors advice. Booked tickets to Thailand for sightseeing and spiritual healing.wgen I came back after two weeks of vacation I felt like a new man. They were right I had taken a lot of pressure due to the work over load recently that I totally forgot the well being of my health.

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