Hearing Past the Noise
Can you hear me?
I speak and you nod
And I laugh
And we keep on
But can you hear me?
You listen as I let forth
All my thoughts and interests
Into a loud buzzing goop
That you can barely understand
Can you hear what I really mean?
My mind won't let me
Interpret the thoughts
That race and rage and
Buzz and scream for attention
Can you understand what even I may not?
Waves of thought crash
Against the rocky shore
Of my tired, fizzing mind
Coming out all wrong
Can you hear how exhausted I am?
When the words come out
They stumble and crash
And I laugh as strange
Peculiar things tumble out
Can you hear the frustration in my laughter?
I talk and talk and yet
You are losing interest
I know I should stop
But I so want you to love it too
Can you hear my desire to share my passion?
Nothing comes out
Everything comes out
Yet you don't understand
And I can't stop
....you can't hear me, can you?
You can't hear the frustration or the desire or the constant buzz of thoughts
You can't hear the way my mind races and stumbles on even after my mouth closes.
You can't hear me pleading you to look past my strangeness, past my overenthusiasm, past the loudness of my voice.
Hear my loneliness and my whispered wish of please, please like me, please stay by my side.
But you can't....