For an entire day, whatever you want to say, you just can't get those words out properly.
Write a scene where this dilema is making a situation awkward.
The Speech
John had prepared all week for this presentation. 10 slides and 10 minutes were no problem for a seasoned salesman like himself. Dripping with confidence he walked up to the front of the room, and began. "You all for thank being here." John paused wondering what the heck he had just said. His protective armor of confidence which shielded him from the hundreds of eyes in the room began to crack. He retried the sentence, "Here you thank being for all." He didn't understand, the words were clear in his head, but he just couldn't vocalize them properly. Someone in the front row stood up and inched towards him. Profusely sweating at this point John prepared himself for the ridicule he was about to endure. But as the man got closer he saw the concerned sympathetic look on his face. John motioned to step towards the man but his body flailed awkwardly. Lurching forward the man caught John and said to him, "John I need you to lie down, I think you're having a stroke."