by Digitonaut @ DeviantArt

Lost and alone on a winter hike, your character comes across this house. What happens when they knock on the door?
Cabin Retreat
"Put that phone away! Work will be there when you get back." Keesha grabbed for her phone, but Latrina pulled it back just in time, thumbs flying on the keyboard.
"I'm almost done! One more minute and I will be work free." She leaned away, typing her signature, staying just out of reach.
Keesha narrowed her eyes, probably calculating the distance to snatch for her second attempt.
The phone swooshed as she hit send and she held it up. "See! I'm here and available. You can't be mad at me though, we don't all have rich husbands to pay for everything."
"You could if you ever stopped working," Keesha called back, thrusting a large wine glass in her hand. "I've seen some of the lawyers in your firm -- you don't have to look far. In fact, what about that nice chocolate one across the hall?"
"Jemmerson?" Latrina snorted into her wine glass. "I know I'm not his type." She swallowed, the rich red eased down her throat, taking some of the tension away. She bent forward and dropped the phone on the table, face down. Maybe work could wait.
Keesha frowned. "How are you not his type? You're everyone's type. Tall, smart, beautiful -- most women should hate your guts."
Latrina took another sip, covering the flush that ran up her neck. Way to hit a nail on the head. "Well cousin, I know because I caught him with Kevin from IP in the gym two weeks ago. I know enough not to bark up the wrong tree."
Keesha raised her eyebrows, but shrugged. "Well, what trees are you looking for? You're not getting much younger."
"Nobody is!" Latrina drained her glass and held it. "This is vacation, not an interrogation. Fill me up." Keesha tsked and took the glass, padding off to the kitchen.
Latrina exhaled and snuggled back into the rich leather of the couch. It was nice to be away from it all. The whole Warrington clan away together on Atlas Mountain for Christmas. Somehow, someway, everyone had made the trip.
A large snowball smacked the window, collasping in to powdery dust. Shrieks came as the kids fought outside in the backyard. Kylan and Carter threw the balls full force, hiding behind their snow forts. Little Mahalia wasn't doing too bad keeping up either. She cocked her arm back and let one fly right into Jamal's face. Latrina grinned and pulled a thick blanket over her legs and snuggled deeper. At 27 degrees, there was no way she'd be found out in the elements.
"Dinner's ready in 20," Keesha said, plopping down and sloshing the wine. Latrina rescued her glass and settled back. A warm fire, wine, and family was the epitome of a good time.
"You know, I thought it was bougie when my Mom mentioned they hired a chef."
Keesha laughed. "Smartest thing ever. I did not come on vacation to work. Plus, you see all those people? I'm not washing any dishes."
"I'm not sure you remember how," Latrina teased.
Keesha smacked at her leg. "Girl! I know, and I definitely remember, which is why I do everything to avoid them now." Latrina took another sip of wine, nearly emptying it. A warm, heavy feeling settled in her stomach. She definitely should eat something, but it was nice being tipsy, somewhere she didn't have to keep her guard up.
A heavy knock cam from the door.
Keesha stood up. "I'll get it. That'll be Leon with the firewood."
Instead of Leon, a White woman stood trembling at the door, her hand still up to knock.
"I'm . . . " she didn't finish, as she collapsed in a heap. She looked almost blue, her skin blanched white. Keesha looked over wildly. "Trina! Help!"
Latrina leapt up, hastily putting her glass on the table and ran over. The woman wasn't wearing any gloves, and her pants and boots were wet. She was not dressed for a jaunt in the woods.
"Help me get her to the couch. Someone else help!" Between the both of them, they carried her over, placing her on the low love seat nearest to the fire.
"What in the world?" Who'd be out hiking dressed like that?" Keesha wondered aloud, grabbing the phone and pressing 911.
Latrina grabbed the blanket that had been warming her, mere seconds ago and tucked it around the girl, and silently agreed. "Who in the world would be out here like this?"