
It's 10am. She's been there for about two hours now. I'm starting to get offended no one has noticed she's not me, to be quite honest. Sure, we have the same genetic makeup. But no one was tipped off when she only had half a cup of coffee? I drink three cups minimum, people.

I walk through the front door and Susan greets me. She seems to be unbothered by the fact that my alter ego already walked in the door dressed in a completely different outfit not two hours prior.

"Hi Susan!" I say brightly.

"Hey Rachel!" she says back.

As I enter my cluster of desks, I see the back of "my" head. My twin has a few more streaks of grey in my hair than me. I guess the little streaks aren't as noticeable as Charlee thinks. I walk directly to my desk and stand behind Charlee, who is sitting at my cushy office chair.

"Excuse me, you're in my seat." I state loud enough for Michael to hear, a desk over.

"This is my desk, I don't know what you mean." Charlee replies, with a smirk on her face.

"If you don't move, I'm going to call office security!" I'm basically shouting at this point.

I see a couple heads poke out from their offices and around their cubicles. Charlee and I continue to go back and forth, getting louder and louder and wittier and wittier with our retorts.

"You wouldn't have been late if you hadn't spent all that time plucking your unibrow!" she yells.

Slowly, I see the CEO's office door start to open. Our mother walks out to see what the commotion is. Charlee and I stop yelling as her eyes land on us.

"Charlee?" she asks quietly. The whole office quiets.

"Hi mom." Charlee smiles brightly.

Mom nearly breaks out into a jog as she moves across the office to gather Charlee in a giant hug. Michael comes up beside me.

"A twin, huh?"

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