The perfect murder

It needs to be a perfect family to be a perfect murder. To be completely unexpected and unique. It mustb't trace back to anyone. Make it become a full circle moment if you want it to be perfect you need to be perfect and have no flaws. Let go of what you want and do what you can. Aim for the right spots the vessels in whihc blod stops not a spot in which it flows. You need to be fast and clean. It can be in the night or in the day but should be discrete. Find a weakness that brings them to their knees and bring it to them naturally and make it appear factually enter their minds not just with your hands but your thoughts, let them ponder in confusion. And before the climax erupts reveal yourself not in a way of cinema but in a way that shows your lack of fault, and when the guard is let down and they exhale use that as a light that green that symbolizes your soon time of becoming clean. Go in order from the closest to the door to the farthest make to make it dead silent and leave the house once you have cleaned your mess, this si important only yours and don't forget to loudly say goodbye to not suspect a soul. And as you leave let them know that you will be back soon but don't expect a response to feed your mind. And as you drive of turn on the radio and listen to the news channels call on you. The next day return to that home saying you forgot your coat and fall to your knees the same way they had and and call the police. Explain what had happened but leave out your scene to let them uncover what couldve have been. Tell thos ein charge it was a night of wine and jazz and that thorughout it all there was an earie pass and sinister shadow out the window and how the sweet father had looked out more than twice in expecting fear. Let them know you had said goodbye and make sure that your neighbour says thats right. And as you go to bed that night think of you had done but don't at all think that you are right.

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