Submitted by Isabelle Rose
Write a story where the main character is dying, and nobody knows but them.
A sprinkle of rain
I am greeted to the sound of soft rain and chirps in the morning. I take a deep breath one that gets a little more difficult every morning. Listening to the rain I feel at peace, drip, drip, drip and then a splash socking yet familiar. I watch him run and play untill he has no more energy left. He walks in with the biggest smile on his face, oh how happy it makes me feel to see him joyful. I make his favorite, french toast. I dont know if it's the cinnamon making it hard to breath or the fan above my head breathing in all of the oxygen around us, it doesnt matter. I feel tired today unlike most, I sit at our table and hand him his food, he looks so happy. After he finish his food we go and sit on our old and worn out couch, I wish I could afford a better one, but he likes it so it doesnt matter. We watch his favorite movie, We must have seen it more then a hundred times by now and I still dont get it. Now it is time for me to get his things to head to school, but I needed to sit down. tick, tick, tick, my eyes open to see that I passed out, I check the time it's been three hours. I go to check on him he's slumped on our couch weeping, I try and apologize but he wount let up. "Well stay home and you can play with me" I asked "I hate playing with you mommy!" He yelled "I want to play with my friends and not with boring old mommy". His friends were always very deer to him and he always gets upset when he cant meet with them. "Its ok deer, you'll see them tomorrow" I assured he wouldn't respond, he looks so cute when hes grumpy. I sighed and said I love you, still no response. I walk to my room it's become a very difficult task, I lay down listening to the drips slowly fade, drip, drip, drip... and I can feel myself leaving as the last one drops, my vision going black I whispered to myself "if only I had more time" I hope he wount be angry with me, the last thing I hear is silence, but then a faint "sorry" as it all disappears.
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