Write a story about a character getting a new pet.

Work Email


Mr. Barlowe finally adopted those two loud King Charles Spaniels. I don't think there's a good bone in that man's body. He walks in and complains about how hot it is, then he goes off about the smell. Then he complains about how I'm taking too long to get the keys for their cages. He also had the worst attitude when it came to filling out the paperwork. Seriously, worst customer of the day. Probably the worst customer to ever set foot in the building. I hope we never see him again. But I don't think we're that lucky, I can see him coming back to complain about how loud the dogs are, or hassle us about advice. I can honestly see him returning them. Those dogs were awful (glad we got rid of them, and I'm sure you are too!)

I have a stupid question, and I know you're going to think I'm crazy...but I have to ask. Did those dogs really eat their last owner? Riley told me they were found in an apartment with their owner who'd died. Did the cops really find them eating her dead body? I know most of the stuff that Riley says is B.S, but he swears that it's true. I'm just curious...I also hope it's not inappropriate for me to ask this in a work Email -_-

Cleaned out the fridge before I locked up. I did order a pizza for lunch that I left in the fridge. Feel free to help yourself!

PS: Seriously, I want to know if those dogs ate their last owner. Text me!! :-D

Erin DeSousa

Valcrest Hills Dog Shelter

431 Golden Tree Ave, 96871

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