Call Dolores


So, I'm just going to cut to the chase. This is something that a guy at work told me about, and I guess it's been an urban legend throughout Shadowbrook Canyon for decades. I obviously think it's all bullshit, but I know you get a kick out of this stuff. It all has to do with the picture of the phone booth that I attached to the email.

Apparently, that Red Phone Booth is haunted.

Back in the seventies, some girl named Dolores blew her head off in that phone booth, and ever since then, it's been haunted. Rumor has it is that the light in the phone booth doesn't always turn on, but when it does...that's your chance to enter. There is no rhyme or reason as to when the light turns on. I'm sure there's some sort of clue as to when that light turns on, but that's going to take some digging on your end (if anyone can figure it's you my dude). Anyway, when the light turns on, you enter, check under the phone, and find the phone number (it only shows up when the light is on...obviously). You call the number and you get Dolores. And what does Dolores tell you?

She tells you your time of death, and how you're going to die.

Pretty crazy right? I don't want to know my time of death, or how I'm going to die. I can't imagine long with my history of drinking and my horrific diet, but I still don't want to know. I know you're weird like that though. So...enjoy!

I attached some MapQuest directions on how to get to the phone booth, as well as some photos of our last family trip to Switzerland. I know you don't care about these photos, but Gabby told me Jana has been bothering her like crazy about them.

Let me know how it all goes!



P.S. Did you ever return my copy of 'Let's Go Play at the Adams'? Did I even loan that to you? I can't find it anywhere, and I've looked everywhere. If you don't have it then I think my brother has it.

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