A fairytale character is dropped into this world.
How do they react? What do they find most difficult?
The Last Human
A fairytale character, that's what they call me. A fantastical, interesting character. Surrounded by flying unicorns and shapeshifting fae, but I was fantastical? The last human in that world was the most interesting thing they'd ever seen? I saw a squirrel morph into a dragon, but no, I am the most interesting thing. Sure. Humans aren't interesting. Humans don't have cool powers, though I know the sentient piece of candy thought my internal organs were pretty interesting. "You have bones! That's so cool!" Those bitter things? My bones, which have broken three times trying to keep up with the insanity of your world? But I am fantastic. Right.
But everyone else around me has that same issue. No powers. My shapeshifting accountant brother fae is missing. Instead its just. An old guy with a cane. Or the black-haired college woman, furiously pounding at the vending machine. Or the child wailing loudly, a bloody scrape of skin on his knee, just as fragile as me. I couldn't help but stutter.
Where the hell am I?