
Yes, even as your eyes fill with tears

Grievance washing over you like shores from a time long past

Air shaped by your throat as it heaves choppy breaths into burnt lungs

Yes, even then

The stars of the desert sky write their will upon you

And from this there can be no reprieve

Oh, if I could fade those heavens above

They have shone their violent red starlight on you far too long

Indeed, if your mother could see you now

What would she think?

Mouth agape

As confused as Eve

Staring from her orchard of Eden

Down onto the barren desert that has swallowed us whole

Dearest Felisin, is it answers you are after?

Do you only wish to know why she did it?

Why you could not be loved, when you loved so feverishly?

From you, Felisin, there is a hard-learned lesson in mortality

To lose the fear of dying

You must simply die everyday

In the end, it is all meaningless

Did you find it that way?

To be meaningless?

The plots and plans

Conspiracies and collaborations

The treason and treachery

And the final betrayal of truth -

We will all die too soon

Oh, young Felisin

There is much to say of mercy

And so I shan't tell your story in truth

As is my mercy to those that would hear it most

But know this, lost Felisin

Tonight I would weep for you

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