A quiet, unassuming librarian has an interesting and unhinged train of thought...

Write this character's internal monologue as they perform their normal, mundane jobs. How do their thoughts fit in around their actions and visible characteristics?

Deep In Thought

It's quiet in this library resting on Thach Ave. It's a sunny Sunday afternoon. A few people linger in the rows of books casing the walls. I'm sitting being the register letting my eyes drift across the book in front of me. I haven't read a single word in the last hour. My mind has been elsewhere. If I am being sincere, my mind has been floating around aimlessly since I landed in Auburn. That was over two years ago. I thought that if I up and moved from my small town in Tennessee my life would pick up with all the excitement I had when I was in college but to no avail. So today, like every day, I sit in this library and let my mind drift into its own stories beyond the pages I am holding.

I look up and let my eyes drift across the library instead. There is a couple in the corner looking at the fantasy section, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. An older woman is seated by the magazines flipping through the newest addition to Reader's Digest. To my left, a younger man is sifting through a romance novel.

I continue to look around until my eyes linger behind me where the darkest part of the library rests. There is one light that flickers over the history books that loom on the shelves. A few months ago, my boss, Melinda, put in a work order to fix the broken lights but maintenance never came. We've since learned to live with it as no one seems to be interested in that part of the library.

I turn back to my book, still unable to comprehend the words written on the page. A few moments pass when I hear a cough come from behind me. Startled, I look up. No one is standing near the register. I did not see or hear anyone pass but I looked behind me anyway. I stare at the path lit up by the single light in the dark hallway but it's clear, not a person in sight.

I turn back to my book but my mind is already racing. I feel a presence loom over me from behind the desk. The soft air that once flowed around me stops, seemingly cut off. I freeze. My muscles don't move an inch. I stop breathing and stare straight ahead, afraid to turn around. Within moments, I feel cold metal slide from the back of my skull, through my hair, and across my right temple until I feel it resting firmly on my cheek. Still frozen, I feel the shadow's hot breath stretch across the other side of my head, stopping at the tip of my ear.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest, ringing through my ears. I am terrified to let any air escape my mouth. I feel the shadow take in a sharp breath, listening as they pull their lips apart.

"I'm back," a male's voice travels over my ear. I feel the words travel down my neck. I no longer can keep the air trapped in my lungs and let the air slowly slip through my lips, my heart picking up speed.

I don't know what to do. I'm terrified but still unable to move. My thoughts grow even more rampant. Whose back? Why me? What have I done? I can't begin to imagine the person I have pissed off enough to want to hurt me. Are they here to hurt me? I am too scared to turn my head. If I turn to the left, I might get a glimpse of the man's face and have an idea of who he might be. If I turned to the right, I could be face to face with his weapon of choice. Both options send shivers down my spine.

Before I have the chance to decide, a different voice breaks out in front of me.

"Excuse me," I jolt in my seat. The book I forgot was gripped in my hands lands with a thud on the floor.

I blink a few times, taking deep breaths before I look up to see a young man staring back at me. The same young man that I saw roaming the romance section minutes before.

"Um," he hesitates, scanning over my face. I know he can read the terror in my eyes. "I am ready to check out," he finishes as he sets a book on the counter.

I take another deep breath and nod. I reach for the book and see that it's not a romance novel at all. He must have decided against what he was looking for, choosing a book on World History instead.

As I scan the book, a realization hits me. He must have made his way to the back and grabbed this book in the dark corners of the library. Once he finishes his purchase, we say our goodbyes. I take a glance behind me. The history section is still lit by a single light just like before. The boy turns on his heels and as he reaches the exit he lets out a cough. The same cough I heard come from behind me moments before.

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