The Paintbrush who fell in love with the Artist

A dazzling summer day brings her to life. I watch her as she dances around the room, filled with care-free joy

Another day is upon us

I think about where she'll take me today

Where does she want to go?

We've traveled all over

She took me to the Northern Lights last week

Because of her, we've seen pastel sunsets with flecks of dandelion yellow and tiger lily orange

Surrounded by the created safety of the mountains and the pines, we've stayed in a tent underneath the protection of the moon and stars

Together we've shared endless adventures

She picks me up and the cool rush of water massages through my bristles

Contemplating her vast options, inspiration sparks

Sweeping my bristles across, first with robin’s egg blue, with a dab of fuchsia

With the paper already wet, the colors melt away

Over and over, the colors morph into each other

An exquisite form begins to take shape

Like Calypso, her strange power and beauty controlling both the known and unknown

Blue kisses fuchsia, while having a long awaited reunion with lilac

With her vision fully finished and alive, she sets me down on her table to marvel at what we've created and where we've gone together this time

I hear her whisper the word "Caribbean" as she mulls over a title for our latest adventure

Standing upright again, all rinsed off, I can't help but wonder where we'll go tomorrow

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