
I never believed in love at first sight, soulmates, all of it. It's immature, with no proof whatsoever to back it up. To fall in love with someone, you have to know them, to know that they are in love with you, to understand everything about them. That's what love is.

Or so I thought.

It was a normal Saturday night when it happened. My friends were attempting to convince me to go out and have their definition of fun.

"Hey man, listen, there's this new place that just opened up, and we're all going to go, and we're taking you with us."

"I don't want to; I have an assignment."

"Come on Marcus, you need to do something with your life besides school. You need to experience what's it's like to have friends and leave the house. You might meet someone, and you know, I think that wou-"

"Fine okay, I'll go if you'll stop talking."

The place in question ended up being a bar, one of the loud, rowdy ones that usually ends up closing due to a fight getting out of hand. Not exactly my cup of tea. We had been there for about an hour and a half, and my friends were already drunk enough that I knew they would be crashing on my couch. I was having my third Pepsi of the night, and wondering if it would be acceptable to leave them when a fight broke out.

Two guys started yelling, and I knew that someone would punch someone else soon enough, so I grabbed my jacket and slipped outside.

The night was warm, not unpleasantly so, and the quiet was refreshing. I was acquainted with the street I was on, but I didn't know it well enough to remember exactly the way home. I figured I would walk, look at the lights of the city, and think until my friends were ready to go home. On the side of the bar, almost crammed into the building, was a small staircase. I climbed it, and slowly emerged onto a little rooftop area. You could see a view of the city, and all of the lights reminded me as to why I came to it in the first place.

I stood there, looking out, until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and froze.

She was like an angel on earth standing there, almost glowing in the dim light of the fairy lights. She had tan skin, amber eyes, and dark, almost black hair. She had a light dusting of freckles on her face, and a soft smile that seemed to suggest that there was an inside joke between us. I never, ever believed in love at first sight, but I think it was happening to me. I knew right then and there that this was who I wanted to be with, if I could just know her, I would never ask for anything more in life. We stared at each other for a moment, before she looked down shyly, breaking the spell.

"Sorry to interrupt, I didn't know there was anyone up here."

"Oh, no you're not interrupting anything, I just needed a break from being inside."

She smiled, "That's the same reason why I'm up here."

We made small, meaningless talk for a minute before I remembered to introduce myself.

"My name's Marcus by the way."

"Oh, I completely forgot about names, I'm Amelie." Amelie, it fit her perfectly.

She and I talked for about an hour up there, about anything and everything we wanted. We liked all of the same music and hated all of the same shows. We ended up exchanging numbers, and I left that bar the happiest man in the world.

~3 years later~

"Marcus, dear, just pick one out!"

"It needs to be perfect, this is going to be our wedding cake, it's one of the most important parts."

"No, the most important part is, oh I don't know, GETTING MARRIED!"

"You know I love you Amelie, I have to make this the best day of your life."

"I love you too Marcus, but for the love of God just pick out a cake already."

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