A tense whisper echoed in the dimly lit alley, 'We need to get out of here, now!"


"We need to get out of here now!"

Caspian tensed at the seething whisper, hand flying to the hilt of his sword. He swung around to face the person behind him, only to be met with a hand on his mouth and the livid face of Bastian. Caspian struggled furiously against Bastian's grip, the sounds of clashing steel and shouts of guardsmen getting significantly louder.

Bastian pressed his hand harder against his face. "Try and fight me now and we're both likely to die! And I'll be damned if you're the death of me, Grand Knight."

With that, Bastian gripped his arm in a vice, leading him away from the fire and fighting, through increasingly dark and dirty alleys. Caspian thought once more about yanking away, but something in his gut told him his chances of trying to flee alone were slim to none. He would be gutted the second one of the soldiers spotted him.

And besides, hadn't Bastian saved him before? Most likely for his own gain then, as it had to be now, but if it meant Caspian got to live another day, then he'd gladly take advantage of it.

Finally, when his lungs were starting to burn and his feet began tripping over themselves, Bastian finally pulled to a stop. They had made it to the less densely populated area of Kilson City. Here, the citizens were still sleeping, blissfully unaware of the chaos ensuing in the city center.

Capsian doubled over, gasping for breath. Despite all his training, there was still no way he'd be able to keep up with anyone of fae blood. Bastian however, seemed right as rain, as if he'd simply taken a stroll alongside the river. He glanced back at Caspian, smirking with every bit of arrogance his body could possess.

"Well, Grand Knight, it seems you're a wanted man. And as I see it, you can either turn yourself in and accept death, or stick with me and fight for your freedom. What will it be?"

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