High Above the City

It was on a Tuesday that Lottie disappeared, the sweet girl. She'd been acting weird for the days before, outbreaks in class, wearing awfully modest clothes, a sharp contrast to her usually revealing garments. When she stood up, a sliver of her skin had shown and I thought I saw a patch of something dark on her hip, textured and oozing. Of course, nobody else noticed anything. She'd always been the odd one out, telling stories of monsters in the sky, some otherworldly being that we'd eventually 'pay our dues to'. The day we found her again, it'd been overcast and cloudy, not surprising at all for the bipolar weather of Fairby. But now we looked up in horror, to see her hanging by her neck. A long tendril of something extending from the sky had been snaked around her, covered in that same dark, scaly thing I'd seen on her hip. Her body was contorted in grotesque ways that shouldn't have been possible. She was hardly recognizable, the only giveaway being a jade bracelet around her wrist, the one I'd seen her fidget with so many times in moments of anxiety. I heard a shriek first, and then saw more of those rope-like strands shoot from the sky, taking people with them as they rose back up. I didn't stay long enough to see what happened to them.

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