
She missed him. She knew that everyone could see it written on her face by the way that they avoiding bringing him up in conversation. They didn't mention his name, his mission--it was like his very existence had been erased from memory and she was the only one made to suffer with it.

But she knew that wasn't true.

Their eyes side glanced as she moved through the house. Their voices hushed as she grew near. And each night, as she cried herself to sleep, she could sense they were stood outside her bedroom door ready to jump in if she called for them. But she never did.

She called for him.

She let the evening breeze caress her bare skin as she pushed through the french doors and out on to the veranda. The iron-wrought railing felt like ice against her arms--a welcome distraction from the night sweats her nightmares presented her with. When would it end? As if in answer to her unspoken question, a high-pitched squeal emanated from beside her. She turned to see a small creature on the railing. It’s tiny face was centred with a pointy snout under two large onyx eyes. It’s nose was dark grey settled within a plethora of whiskers fanning from its cheeks which puffed out as another squeal fell from it’s tiny mouth. She smiled at the endearing sound and stepped over towards it, slowly extending her fingers out, halting a few inches away, just in case. It’s coat was snow white save the black tip of it’s bushy tail which swung from side to side as it eyed her up with curiosity.

“You’re very cute," she whispered, closing the gap between them by trailing her finger tips atop it’s head. At the touch, two enormous ears raised up and it nuzzled into the palm of her hand with another content squeal. "I wonder where you came from," she mused, looking out over the gardens. She'd never seen a cat within the estate. Hell, she'd not seen another creature that wasn't human since...

Since he left.

The cat pawed at her arm, demanding her attention. She laughed, extending both hands to lift it up, looking deep into its eye. "Will you stay with me?" she asked, lowering it into her arms like a cradle. "Will you please, stay with me?"

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