One For Sorrow: Forest Death Scene

(Based off of a scene I have planned for a book I'm working on so it's not exactly what the prompt says, but whatever)

It's impossible to describe the sheer terror we felt in that moment. The fear running through our veins as we watched one of our own die at the hands of Anastasia. The silver of her knife biting into his throat and being covered in crimson blood in seconds. His body fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around it.

"Eli!" I screamed. I tried to run to him, but the guards held me back. Tears streamed down my face. I screamed until my throat was raw.

When I looked over at Cass, she was averting her eyes as if she couldn't bear to look. I couldn't bear to look away.

Anastasia's face was full of manic glee, her eyes aminated at the sight of death. "And down he goes," she grins, looking down at him. "So much for being immortal, amirite?" she asks, glancing over at one of the stonefaced guards.

I have never wished more that Kira was here to spell Anastasia. That mom was here to teleport us out. That Quinn would come from the trees and whisk us to safety. That Nino was here to teach me the ritual he used to bring me back so I could save Eli.

But they're not here. They're asleep at camp. And because of this stupid forcefield, they can't hear my cries. Or Anastasia's laugh.

"Awwww," Anastasia says, walking towards me and crouching down a little so we were face to face. "Look how sad you are."

I struggle against the guard's hold, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. They don't budge. "Hey," she says angrily. She grips my chin and forces me to look at her. Her anger melts and is replaced with the same excitement from earlier. "There she is! Look, I swear I didn't want to kill him. I didn't!" she said, trying to defend herself. Her face fell again to a menacing look. "But you got in my way. And when he came to try to save your sister, I just— well, I just couldn't help myself," she shrugged. She grinned again. "And the look on your face? Priceless."

"I hate you," I scowled. It's pathetic, but it's the only thing I can think of.

She puts a hand to her chest and releases my face. "Oh! I'm wounded. How could you? I thought we had a thing going, Atlas. I thought we were buds!"

"Burn in hell," I shouted.

"Oh, I will. No doubt about it. But I think your friend beat me to it."

I thrashed again against my captor. This time I didn't give up. I squirmed and kicked and thrashed and screamed, just trying to loosen his grip and be able to get to Anastasia. Cass was still just standing there, staring at the ground. "Cass!" I shouted, trying to get her attention. trying to snap her out of this dazed state she seemed to be in.

But she just stared. She was stuck in her own world, her brain taking over and shutting down her actions, trying to comprehend what she saw.

Anastasia made a 'tsk'ing sound. "You really need to get better control on your emotions," she told me. She clasped her hands together. "Well, this is pretty much it. I just wanted to show you your failure at rescuing your friend," she saais casually. "Just, uh, sorta, put a damper on your confidence. Put a little self doubt in your system. You know. To keep you from being too much trouble. But this isn't fun anymore." She shook her head. "I'm kinda disapointed. I expected more... fight. Maybe some banter. You vowing to crush me to dust beneath your heel and make me pay for what I did to your friend. But oh well. Bored now." Her gaze turns slightly upward at my guard's face. "Get rid of them."

I suddenly felt a sharp prick in the side of my neck. My vision clouded, and then it went dark.

When I woke up I was back at camp in my sleeping bag.

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