Those three words.

Jackson lets his head fall on the armrest of the couch, without taking his eyes off Tim, who is animatedly rambling about the plot of the book he was reading. It had been prompted by Jackson asking him what he was reading, which immediately launched Tim into an exciting explanation, the book now abandoned on the coffee table. His eyes trace over Tim, his hoop earrings, his adorable glasses that he often felt insecure about, but Jackson thinks they're so cute on him, his mesh top over a crop top, and he has to remind himself that he is in fact dating this boy.

In moments like these, Jackson wonders how he got so lucky, and he immediately cringes at how cliché that is, but it's true. They have known each other for a few years, always bantering, closer with each other than with their other friends, and eventually, feelings developed on both sides. Banter turned into careful flirting and about two months ago, Jackson finally worked up the courage to finally ask Tim out. It had been nerve-wracking, but totally worth it when he saw the huge grin on Tim's face, the word "Yes," reaching his ears.

As he stares at Tim, who is completely immersed in his own storytelling, the word love comes to mind. But it's early, far too early, in their relationship to say that out loud. He could scare Tim away and that's something Jackson wants to avoid at all costs. Still, the thought of saying, "I love you," makes his chest feel warm and fuzzy. All those sappy romcoms were right, love is so dramatic.

"What?" Tim says, his head tilted curiously, snapping Jackson out of his thoughts. That's when he realizes he's been staring this whole time, without listening.

"Sorry, I spaced out," Jackson says, scratching his cornrow braids and giving Tim an apologetic smile.

"Am I that boring?" Tim says jokingly, but he plays with his curly hair nervously.

"No, babe, you never bore me," Jackson says and opens his arms, so Tim can lay down on top of him. He wraps his arms around him protectively, "Don't ever think that."

Tim hums against his neck, while Jackson threads his fingers through Tim's dark curls.

"So," Tim starts, his voice slightly muffled, "What were you thinking about?"

"Oh, just how lucky I am," Jackson says, looking up at the ceiling to avoid Tim's now curious eyes on him, "To be with you."

When it stays silent, he turns his head to look at Tim, whose cheeks have darkened slightly but visibly.

"What?" Jackson says with his eyebrow raised teasingly.

"Nothing," Tim shakes his head softly, "I just never thought you'd be such a sap."

"Oh, shut up," Jackson says, grabbing a pillow off the ground and hiding his face behind it.

The pillow is pulled out of his hands by Tim, who kisses him softly, however, Tim still has his glasses on so they bump together awkwardly, but it doesn't matter, Jackson just wants him close.

"I don't mind it, though."


"So, they're enemies now, and their only goal is to kill each other, but they love each other, ya know? And so," Tim trails off when he sees that Jackson isn't listening anymore, "What?"

Jackson's eyes grow wide and he starts playing with his braids, "Sorry, I spaced out."

It happened a lot, people losing interest when Tim started telling them something, their eyes glazing over in disinterest. That didn't mean it started hurting less, just meant he knew the signs, and that he knew how to contain it.

"Am I that boring?" he tries to say playfully, but from Jackson's expression, he can tell that he knows.

"No, babe, you never bore me," Jackson says and opens his arms inviting him to lay down, so Tim walks over and lets himself fall down on top of his boyfriend. Jackson's arms wrap around him like a fortress and he says, "Don't ever think that."

He hums in response because he doesn't trust his voice not to break. After a soft moment, he builds up the courage to ask.

"So," he says, "What were you thinking about?"

"Oh, just how lucky I am," Jackson says, and Tim gets up a bit to look at him, but Jackson is avoiding eye contact, looking at the ceiling as if it is suddenly the most interesting thing in the world, "To be with you."

All that comes to Tim's mind is "I love you," but he can't say that yet, far too early for that, so he stays quiet. He doesn't want to break this bubble, to make it too real. He doesn't know if Jackson feels that strongly yet, but his words give him hope that he might one day. Jackson turns his head and Tim still doesn't know what to say, so he just looks into those beautiful brown eyes.

"What?" Jackson asks, eyebrows raised.

"Nothing," Tim says, shaking his head. He doesn't know what to do other than a joke, so he says, "I just never thought you'd be such a sap."

"Oh, shut up," Jackson says playfully, and hides his face behind a pillow, but Tim gets on top of him and pulls it away.

He leans in and kisses him softly, momentarily forgetting that he's wearing his glasses, but with the way Jackson keeps pulling him closer, he doesn't seem to mind.

When they eventually break apart, Tim mumbles, "I don't mind it, though."

Jackson smiles.

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