After a bad breakup, the main character finds a phone number offering a free fortune telling to those down on their luck. They decide to call.
📞 Call Him 📞
It had been days, weeks even since we had last talked but it seemed as if James would never want to talk again. I loved him, he didn't love me. He'd rather go out with a cheerleader. A dirty, snobby, backstabbing, popular cheerleader. What did he not like about me? I wasn't snobby and respected him. I'm smart but not a nerd, well known but not popular, and I wasn't controlling, I let him hang out with his friends not always with me.
How was I not good enough? We promised we were going to prom together and it's only 2 weeks out. I would have no date.
I slumped back in my chair and took another sip of my iced caramel macchiato when I spotted a newspaper on my table and, well of course, picked it up. I flipped through stories: girl gone missing, major car accident, ongoing tension with countries. The usual stuff. I flipped the paper back over and set it down when a number on the bottom of the newspaper caught my eye - free fortune telling. Well, it's not that shady if it's free. Normally it's a 15 dollar rip off. What's the harm in calling?
I dialed in the number, 1-800-234-2765, and waited for someone to pick up. I waited about a minute and was about to hang up when a sweet voice pick up.
"Hi this is Fantastic Future would you like to plan and pay for an appointment?" The voice sounded like a younger man. I recognized it vaguely... it was James's brother?! I had been to over for dinner at his house and we had all played deck hockey together. Why did he work at a fortune telling place?
"Uhm, the newspaper said that it was free..." I hesitated. This was a scam.
An older woman's voice appeared, "Ah, yes, yes! You got lucky dear, bring the newspaper today and we'll take a look. What time are you free?"
"Uhm- uh. All day." I responded still thinking of James and his brother, AJ.
"Then come whenever you'd like dear!" The woman squealed happily.
An entry bell rang above me. I looked around, the store was empty. Then a small woman came waddling out from behind tall bookshelves. She smiled so brightly it was hard to look. This old grandma quite had a smile of the sun.
"Are you the girl who-" I nodded and held the newspaper up "Ah, come, come!" She hobbled away with me trailing behind. "Name?" She asked, climbing up onto a tall stool infront of a crystal ball. I sat down a cross from her and set my phone on the table.
"Pretty name my dear...." she mumbled, preoccupied. She waved her hands around the ball mystically. "You had a boyfriend I see... a break up..." She stared at the ball longer with her eyes wide. "You want to be happy? Have a happy future?" I nodded.
She stopped the magic ball hand waving stuff and set her hands in her lap.
"Indigo," the lady reached for my phone, pushing it infront of me. She patted the phone "You'd better call James my dear girl..." and with that she left the room.
(I will make a part 2 because I had alot of fun with this! I hope you enjoyed this and keep a look out for part 2!!! Please follow me and check out JaycieGracie's page!)