Craft a story where each sentence begins with the successive letter of the alphabet, starting with A.

The story can be about whatever you like, but try to make it coherent and logical as you carefully choose words to start each sentence.

The Killers of the Light

"And when the Gods of Light descend, that's when we make our move!" Beating on his ceremonial drum, Kaltec'h eyes me suspiciously, as if he knows what i'm thinking.

"Can't we just do it now?" Dorlec'h growls with his trademark growl. Everytime that monster of a man talks I get the feeling that the inside of my lanky frame is churning.

"Forgetting that the Gods are weary and aware of our intentions are the first mistake of an ignorant man!" Grinding his teeth, Kaltec'h puts away his drum with an angry gesture. His eyes glows in the dark and only adds to the unnerving atmosphere of the room. In more than 20 years I have looked up to him, but lately something has changed. Just like that his becoming more and more unpredictable.

"Killing the Gods..." Loafs of bread crumbles to the floor as Dorlec'h bites into his supper with an angry snarl. Meanwhile I remember how hungry I am.

"Not an easy job, I agree," On Kaltec'hs mouth I spot the signs of a laugh. "Pic'lech told us everything that we needed to do before we can fulfill her prophecy, remember?"

"Quintessence of Ashortech, yes I remember" Reciting The Old Lore, is something I know Dorlec'h knows like his own pocket. So much that he sometimes does it in his sleep.

The heavy metaldoor to the outside corridor, which has been firmly closed, bursts open with a loud "CRACK!" Underneath his cold demeanor I suddenly see how easily Dorlec'h i scared.


Xorec'h, a man with twitching eyes, and a mouth like a frog, stands in the dim light that illuminates him from behind, giving the tall man an almost christ-like appearance.

"You sure about that?" Korlec'h gets on his feet, an expression of doubt takes over his face.

Zigzagging with the new information, my brain finally realizes that my time has come, and it is now that our quest will begin.

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