Write a story comprised only of sentences of five words.

Although you can write about whatever you like, consider how the word limit will shape the phrasing, tension and pace of your piece.


"Not today," he whispered softly.

The shop lights flickered incessantly. My stomach gnawed in complaint.

"Please," I trembled, almost begging.

He turned around, head shaking. Back to his other customers. The ones who could pay.

I stumbled into the night. Rain soaked into my clothes. A small rat scurried past. A well-earned morsel in paw.

The rat was a King. Tonight, I was it's pauper.

No, it would not share. Not with me - a vagrant. The Stig of the dump.

The granite was bitingly cold. My cup empty, as usual.

Time ticked it's weary hand.

Strangers drew near - then more.

A jingle in my cup!

Perhaps hope remains, after all.

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