The coin

I stared at the unfurling skeleton hand

none of this was planned

my mouth hangs open

my brain clicks and turns

realization has occurred

I dig in my pockets

the fee must be paid

I have two joints and a seed

no coin

I stare up into the eyes of my escort

"I'm sorry" why am I sorry? "I have no coin sir"

The sadness embedded into those eyes

I cried

"Do those objects hold value?"

The voice came with a chilly wind

what holds value

"To you."

I hold up the seed

just a simple sunflower seed

"This holds the most value to me."

"My mother loved sunflowers."

I cried holding the seed close to my heart

"Give up the seed and you may cross"

I hold tight but wonder

"Will I see my mother at the end?"

"You may but you must cross alone."

"It is easy to get lost in the underworld."

"What should I do if I get lost?"

He stands still for a moment, boney hand on chin

"Listen and follow your greatest desire."

I place the joints back into my pocket

A small canoe with a single paddle appears

as I climb in he says

"Do not get distracted, it is easy to get lost in the underworld."

I nod in agreement as the canoe floats away from the shores edge.

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