Your character is someone who strongly believes in fate and destiny. One day, someone says something that nags at them to reconsider.

You do not have to state what was said to them, but try to focus on your character's mindset and how they might be thinking.

King Saul's Dilemma

God is an omniscient NPC.

If you believe that, don’t pray.

King Saul consulted a medium

To contact the prophet beyond the grave.

The Lord no longer answered his prayers

So he pleaded

with the medium

to practice the very magic he banned.

When the Source leans away,

The desperate search for a conduit

Even if it’s not the proper channel.

When your estranged lover

blocks your number,

You call her

from your friend’s phone.

When the scriptures no longer apply

When the scriptures no longer vibe

Hold horoscope

Burn sage

Place cerulean stones on your throat

To unblock the blessings

that haven’t left your mouth

since you were newly 24

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