Write about an important event in your life from the perspective of someone close to you.

Really try to think about how and why someone else would relate to this event, don't just write about your own experience. It could be a fictional event if preferred.

Married at Will

My sister is getting married today. I couldn't be more pissed.

I'm the oldest, I was supposed to be walking down that damn aisle first. But I suppose I'd much rather be the hot Maid of Honor instead of the bride knocked up by some trailer trash redneck.

Jasper was a nice guy. That's it, just nice. I have no idea what Riley saw in him to have invited him into her bed that fateful night just five months ago. He did the right thing, asking her to marry him, that is. I don't think my parents would have ever let him set foot in our picture perfect Catholic home if he hadn't. So he did the right thing. It doesn't make this any easier.

Riley stands behind me, emitting the classic pregnancy glow -- sweat, as most would know it actually is -- but does look beautiful. She chose a vintage flowy dress from the local second hand boutique, its color slightly yellowed with age. Her is hair tied up in an elegant twist. The bump is only a little visible beneath the thin fabric. Just there enough to have people talking, but not visible enough for anyone to be bold enough to comment.

The sun glares down on us with the unbearable humid heat of a classic July in the middle of nowhere Alabama. I'm almost thankful Riley chose this hideous light pink chiffon for her bridesmaids. I would've sweated through the bold colors I normally go for. Nonetheless, the trickle of sweat that cascades down my boobs makes me even angrier.

"Jane, I don't know if I can do this."

I snap out of my jealous funk and look back at Riley. She's gone ghost-white, and tears well up in her eyes.

"What makes you say that?" I ask. Yesterday she was gung ho about marrying the dude. Couldn't shut up about the nursery he had set up in the corner of his trailer home. He was even kind enough to move his liquor collection to a kitchen cupboard just to make space. A true gentleman.

"I don't love him." The tears flow freely down her cheeks. A sob catches in her chest. "I'm marrying him just for her, " she looks down and strokes her belly tenderly.

"I see." I hate to admit that part of me is excited about this turn of events. She really shouldn't be marrying this loser. And she shouldn't be marrying before me. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"Stop crying, first of all." I grab her hands and look her dead in the eyes. "You can do whatever you want to do. You don't have to marry him just because he knocked you up."

"Mama and Papa will throw me out of the house." She laughs hysterically and throws her bouquet of daisies and sunflowers on the ground.

"That's probably true. Which is why you're going to come live with me." I can't even process the words that just came out of my mouth.

"Really? In New York?" Riley's eyes get wide and an new wave of tears well up. "Oh Jane, I can't thank you enough!" She wraps her arms around me and embraces me like her life depends on it.

What have I done.

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