She gripped the ancient relic tightly, feeling the power running through it.

Continue this story about someone in possession of a powerful object.

The Staff of Hades

I ran up to the chest, and with a bit of prying, eventually got it open. Inside, there it was. The Staff of Hades. I gently lifted it, becoming suddenly invigorated by the energy within the bident. It seemed to be teeming with power, I felt it coursing through my veins. This was what I needed to use to take the throne of my kingdom, to become the queen that the people need.

I walked out of the cave, feeling more powerful than I could even fathom, and plotting my now half completed plan for my rise to the top. I stood outside, in the middle of the forest, and looked back at the cave when I heard a sound. A flock of birds flew overhead, and I had the genius idea to make myself a quick dinner. Aiming the bident in the middle of the flock, I tried to make it do something to take down one of the birds. I had almost given up, but suddenly a course of angry flame came shooting into the sky, taking down three birds, fully cooked through. This was more powerful than I thought.

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