
I cupped my hands around the crystal and concentrated on its center, letting the rest of the room fade away. It was all background noise, inconsequential; nothing mattered except the blue of the crystal. Once it would have been difficult to forget the floor beneath my feet or the buzzing of the electric lights or the woman standing at my side, but I had years of practice to rely on. I let the blue be the only thing I could see - and once I had succeeded, then I could see everything. Through focus, my consciousness expanded. There was the familiar initial rush of imagery - petals dropping from a flower, the flick of a tail disappearing into the sea, an asteroid circling a star. For a less experienced Seer, it would be overwhelming, impossible to think straight. I let the disjointed images wash through my mind, remembering myself. I raised a single question in my mind: where is Adric Spellslinger? Slowly, the shifting images settled into a single landscape.

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