Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Every morning where she would wake up early to make him a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and coffee just the way he loved it, bringing it to him so he could have some enjoyment before his long dreary day at work.

Every time he had noticed when she was on the outside of the sidewalk, and he had gently taken her waist and guided her to the inside, as if to protect her from the cars zipping by.

Every he was working late, and she would come in and gently remind him to rest and finish whatever email or document he was writing while he brushed his teeth.

Every time she was on her period, and was cramping, and he went to go get her her favorite ice cream, and to put on Legally Blonde while holding her.

Every little adjustment to his hair, or his clothes when they were messed up. A soft hand moving a lock of hair back into place, or a slight tightening of his tie right before work, making sure he looked respectable and presentable.

Every reminder that she was perfect in his eyes, whenever she felt insecure, he was always there to let her know just how beautiful she was to him.

All of the small actions that showed the other person just how much they adored them, no words needed.

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