Corvus Nightingale
He/They/It | Just looking to share pieces of myself with others who enjoy poetry and writing
Corvus Nightingale
He/They/It | Just looking to share pieces of myself with others who enjoy poetry and writing
He/They/It | Just looking to share pieces of myself with others who enjoy poetry and writing
He/They/It | Just looking to share pieces of myself with others who enjoy poetry and writing
The chilled wind Warm sun Flowing river bend Second to none
I open my doors Breathe in the morning Who could want more Than this velvet glory
The clouds roll above I watch from my deck Eyes filled with love As the woodpeckers peck
O glad morning Don’t go too soon For in this bright moment All I want is you
How am I supposed to capture your beauty? When all I can do is sketch? How am I to show the truth of your being? With only paint, a canvas, and a brush?
O dearest Dorian It is impossible to reflect Even a fraction of your features With merely a painting
Dear Dorian You were always the truest art of them all Perfect and timeless Just as you have always wanted to be
O my Dorian The gods have created you for my demise Crafted and moulded like no other I cannot portray you
I am so very sorry That I cannot do justice to your glory But I feel the most honourable To be able to see you in the trueness Of your everlasting soul
Movement within my flesh Writhing in my veins Creeping up my throat And crawling out my mouth
Wreak havoc on my eyes Tear strips out of my tongue Set fire to my soul And leave me there to burn
He grips at my bones Takes hold of my mind I suppose I’m not alone Perhaps I should be grateful
Beautiful nature sweet bird song kiss of stars and golden light
harmonious hour of sleep sweetest embrace of the night loving waltz among planets and silver spectacles all around
But humanity can’t be escaped for long death without concern power and fame ordinary man suffering in silence
man’s true form vague tremors of grief slow movements corrupted morals
How I long for sleep again to feel the breath of life on my neck the dance of the flowers beneath my feet musicians of the mountains
but I know the truth once known never escaped o gods hear my pleas and give me a dreamer’s need
(Inspired by EE and Mundie from Dead Water Club on WEBTOON— please support its creator, very talented)
From the depths he comes Mirrors of my fears From the dead water he rises Reflections of the past
Impersonations of the truth— —or was it the truth? How can I be certain anymore? Make believe and reality have begun to dance together like lovers at a waltz
And yet much more sinister their dance all of it from the depths
My friends— or are they my friends? They falter and flicker Cries and screams echoes in the water
He plays with my mind like a puppet on strings he smiles and lies so sickly sweet
Veiled in shadow hidden beneath he comes to the surface from darkest neglect
I’ve tried to control him to stop him to end but I know it’s no use he’s too far from my reach
He’ll strangle my cries savour my screams eat up my dreams and fill me with lies
He can’t be contained the mirror just holds him but even the cover couldn’t control him
He tears into hopes drowning your dreams soon you will see
Even as you read he’s watching you too pulling you down till the mud fills your body the water your lungs have you noticed it yet? he’s killing you too
Language is a dream we believe Whispers of the past Like death’s melancholy murmur Echo through the night Thus we see the empty shadow of what was The poet is just a disciple Language, our god Created by flawed man as expression Used as a tome of truth and purity What is it we crave so dearly? What is it we seek? Unknowing, we step forward as blind prophets guided by the hand of a broken god.
It’s overwhelming reality which burdens the soul Wearies the body and strains the heart
shadows of what once was fading in the wake of new light
It feels like heresy like contempt a vain attempt at comfort at compromise
And yet in the still of the night in the breeze through my window I hear your voice sometimes I think it’s nothing more than an apparition but I know it’s you it’s always you
Urging me to continue to strive where you never did and tonight— tonight I’ll make that decision To live like you never could
losing substance impenetrable night without the energy to smile I will be expecting you there solemn nothingness where hopeless breathing and trembling where sad smiles and sweet fate meet the disappointing truth of mankind humanity is fragile the one you loved tossed with the waves inconceivable waned love quickly freeze this icy morning what is left but the beating of the glass heart and the beautiful music of the bird
Waves breach the sandy shore The birdsong of the forest Life surrounding each moment Each itty bitty moment With life comes the unfortunate truth The fragility of the things you hold dear Glass hearts and ceramic souls Shattered, stolen Death is not evil Not vindictive No He is a soft voice in the meadow A still spring in the day The gentle breeze of night He is come to rescue that which is pained To save that which is suffering For to live all of eternity What greater curse than this O death, I welcome your embrace