Plot Builder
1 min read
Sand between my fingers
Sand between my toes
Peacefully at rest
Tranquil in repose
Gentle rhythmic rippling
Of the tide that ebbs and flows
Hypnotic in its beat
Subtle in its tones.
A cloudless day of blues
Where sea and sky embrace
Twinkling in each other’s eyes
Dancing face to face
My senses are on high
Space and time on hold
As all my being concentrates
On this perfect bit of World.
By Gez...
Like a coiled up Slinky
Quivering with anticipation
For Winter to bow out
And cue me in
Just one small nudge
A soft breath to launch me
Off the parapet
Slooooooowly does it.....
Then it’s off we go
Gathering momentum
My heart’s singing
My coils zinging
Colours of tulips and daffodils and crocuses and blossom
And new green shoots
Every new step an explosion
Of awe and wonder
Of ...
It was a long journey for the soul
Conscience searching
Ego tripping
Heart rendering
Courage finding
Life affirming
Chaperoned by a silken thread of spirit
To life’s finale
Mission accomplished?
See Part 2 - Paradise lost or found? ...
C c c c c c can’t do it.
Oh for Christ’s sake, pull yourself together!
Up there, where the sky shimmers with hope
Ride on cotton wool faith
Amongst dreams of hope
Gather nasal lungfuls of pressurised bravado
Eee lass....you did it! ...