I was quiet but not blind, I was silent and you’ll find, That silence isn’t nice, You start seeing things eye to eye.
Whispers echo along the walls, A reminder to lock the doors, Because once you realise I can hear, You may be in fear, Fear that your words, Your promises, Your lies, Are now mine.
I can still see clear as day, When you struck blood because it was the only way, You deceive, You act, But they are not the facts, Your words are just acts.
You think nobody will realise, That what you say will catch up to you, Because I hear, I see, I act, Those are the facts. Because I am quiet not blind, And I do not play nice.
My grandmother always told me, That I should sit up straight Maybe work on gaining weight That my makeup of mine looked obviously fake And my mother would be ashamed.
My mother always told me, It’s okay to be dumb, My looks made up for it So I could be fun I could flirt with boys and that was okay As long as I made sure I never stayed out too late Because they would wait, and that’d be my fate.
My father always told me, Buck up young one, There is no time to be fun, Being flirty is for the dumb, Your asking for it hun, And always make sure your working out, Because your so fat that I would rather have pig or a trout
My brother always told me, Your ugly and disgusting, You should expect nothing, Your as worthless as a piece of string, That someone flicks to get off there clothing, Why don’t you just give up, Nobody would notice if you didnt show up.
I always told myself, I guess they are right, Maybe I’m as useless as a fly, Swatted and flicked and thrown away, I should probably think about losing some weight, Because this makeup isn’t fixing the way, That people stare during the day.
Even after all the hurt and critique, They didn’t see the human under me, So now I’m hung and strung up high, I hope they see me in a new light, Being dead is better than what my grandmother told me, I hope she thinks before she speaks, Next time she sees me, Hung under her favourite tree.