Plot Builder
Trying to write more every day, and hoping to write for many more.
Just a worm
1 min read
He wasn’t even that tall, as long as you weren’t standing right next to him. He acted tall, and had the aura of a lofty kind of guy, but he didn’t have the height to back it up. Now, he had good, thick hair and that much I will concede. It was long too, flowed all the way down over his fancy armour and looked tangled like an unattended garden. I wish I had hair like that, but hey, who doesn’t?
Making is free
Not watched like a kettle
Or marked by the hour
The art is always there
Whether you are or not
That there is peace
Let you breathe with ease
Because you can be still as a rock
Grow moss
And still not live at a loss....
These cold highways stretch like tired arms
Lifting from the concrete sides of that giant
That groans from the pain of life
Trickling cars and people
Igniting themselves for another day
To make their appointments
Made in haste....
The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again. Fifth time this week. This is the difficult thing about becoming a superhero, you have to learn how to fly. There is the technical approach, with your wingsuits and jet packs, but all that costs money. I don’t have a lot of that. Then there is the other way - the leap of faith.
Now this is quite a literal leap and quite a risky one, and you...
Deal breakers
Move makers
Charging down the street
Shaking down all they meet
And now the ways run red
After all that they said
“Cut them up, cut them up!”
As they filled their cup
Up to the brim
The lights got dim
And the big man stood tall
And made the others seem small
Children with knives
Snatching at lives....
There is a rotten thing
That lies at the bottom of the hill
And inside I hear them sing
There is an old man
Who listens to the birds
They have big wing spans
The thing is a shed
A wooden church so unholy
Within it is only one bed
There is a rotting thing
That lies in that bed
And I don’t know what it brings
The old man breathes his last
Flinching from his lungs
What was present is now past...
If victory had a taste, it would taste like honeyed ash. A sweetness to cover up the bitterness, something to make up for the nothing of it all. For victory is not a celebration, but a devastation, and it leaves no winners. Victory pours down your throat and down to your burning lungs, ignited by the effort of killing - and for a moment is quenches. But the fire revives and year after year you bla...
Funny how someone can be more than a person
But a colour too, the sort that warms and grows
And brings about these daily smiles.
When life comes undone
They know the stitches, how to sew
Not just a fixer but a maker aswell.
They outline a life and you’re there too
Part of the picture
Sketched and carefully painted.
They give it movement
This art of ours
And we live there together....
I have a spot
Not our usual one
No it’s somewhere you’d never think
To look
You might find the clues in my face
If you pay attention
For more than one wasted night
If you make your tracings
Reveal my footprints that drag
Because I’m tired of hiding
And I’d rather be found now
Clinging to a branch or stuffed in a box
Please figure it all out
I’m getting bored and lost....
Dark coats march
Through my home town
Barking in old tongues
And strangling the red sky
With whipping flags, painted black
Icons of their dreadful rule hang high
A silent taunt to the remaining few....
Science fiction