A picture on my phone
I recognize this face
For many years it has been known
Always left a special trace.
And then I do what I do best
I know I can do this I say out loud
And think and write a dumb text
Not even a typo, making me proud
And then a fantasy turns around
Like an old brown and dusty globe
now I am able to say I found
the courage to whisper: I hope-
Hope that has never been my friend
But I am blinded once again
Not seeing the nearing end
Of the love story with my Ken.
My Ken as beautiful as the moon,
Like the last golden sunshine,
He is October and not June
He’s 7 times 7 equals 49
He looks like autumn forest green
And smells like old spices
He is the opposite of mean
And knows how to solve a crisis.
He doesn’t care what others say
Doesn’t follow any dumb trends
But as fast as he was here he went away
Making me realize all good ends.
For me good never becomes great
People usually title me as rougher
Then the people they wanna date,
So Farewell my almost lover.