Elise and I walked this path side by side from dawn 'til dusk. We always did. It was routine, something special shared between the two of us.
She meant the world to me, and so wouldn't have it any other way.
Hand in hand, she showed me a world that layed beyond the mist, the dark clouds and dreary sky overhead.
It was a brilliant thing, that world. Bright and warm like the summer. peppered w...
The gardens were not what I expected when I first stumbles upon this place. At first I thought I'd landed in a false world of peace and safety like the one previously, but now I see that's not the case. Because on this path I've found myself and risen from my own ashes.
I may be alone but I won't give up on my friends —the people that matter to me.
I won't give up in spite of hardship.
And I...