Walking through a cave seeing ice sickles on the roof of the cave. People been talking about this cave for months now and now that I have found it I am not gonna tell anyone, but I am gonna try and not get caught comming down here becuase some there guards blocking this way like there hiding something, but finally I got through. I walk back home to my lonely house just sitting there waiting for the night so I can go back to the cave and see what they are hiding there. I order some pizza awhile I wait. The pizza arrives now it’s almost time to get ready to see what’s in the cave. I start to get ready thinking am I sure, I am ready and think to my self yes I am ready. I leave the house start walking towards the cave I see no one there. I go instead see the same thing I have my flash light and turned it on and all I see is weird drawings. I go rather into the cave there it was the sword that keeps u alive forever, its garded by an anmial. I try and grab the sword awhile the animal is sleeping the animal wakes up and scared me. I just walk out of the cave thinking never mind on the sword i heard guards comming down to see what the problem was. They look see the footsteps but doesn’t worry. I back at my house thinking to myself I can’t get the sword so I am gonna just stay look up the weird drawings. It’s Swiss online no one will be able to get the sword unless they have the power. Which I don’t so I just move on about the night.