Here for the fun and creativity

Here for the fun and creativity
Have you ever witnessed a performance And Nobody was the audience But you
You And you Alone
The Call The Response I danced I sang I lifted my hands in joy I Rocked the heavens high
Energy ebb Energy flow I got the music in me And nobody to impede My glow A soul performance God and self The only witness But The mirror Watches With silent applause

I dance alone In a darkened Corner of the dance floor. I dance alone Although, mortals dance about in a energetic soar I dance alone Dancer of time and space I dance alone Dancing my own pace I dance alone Lost in thought To cease the yesterday of fraught I dance to forget the “Magic man” Who shattered my soul I dance alone Pondering “Whom the bells toll” I dance alone For healing and to disremember I dance alone To my own curative ember Still today I dance alone
With guitars they travel Experiencing the world
With fresh eyes And curious souls
Songs from the Stardust Rockin every city Tears in exchange for every beat
The wanderlust of energy The call and response of heart Vibrational energy rising
The wanderlust of Rock n Roll My heart still dances The beat still in my head
It’s only Rock n Roll We wanderlust the music We wanderlust the music in us!
It all started the day I exchanged energy with a particular tree in the graveyard. Shortly after this exchange of energy, I began to notice weird sensations in my arms and legs, then I noticed my veins morphing into what appeared to be roots.
After about three days of growing roots on my arms and legs, something unique happened, I began to spout stems,leaves and buds all over my body.
Much to my amazement, a tiny bloom appeared on my pinky finger. Intuitively, my flowered finger moved towards my nose and I caught a whiff of sweet sunshine.
I was turning into a walking-talking, flowering human tree and it felt arborescent. It was my destiny to live the “tree life” here after!
Excitingly, I got the urge to go outside and stand in the front yard in an upright position with my arms outward for balance. My hair was a mass of small branches swaying back and forth in the brisk wind.
I felt free, free to be a tree And, it made me happy Mom can now decorate me for Christmas
Dear Soul,
I know not your tears I know not your pain But I know I care That you cry I want to hug you Tell you things that are happy and good Look in your sad eyes Tell you everything is going to be alright Surround you with a warm light I want to tissue your tears Remind you Love still exist
Love Your Fellow Human
I will admit, I am obsessed since 10/18/18.
It all started with a familiar sound on the radio. Maybe a forgotten song? No, it was a song of today by a band with a unknown name.
“Stars shined in my eyes” I quest to know everything about my new obsession!
On my phone, I plundered, searched, googled, hunted, watched and listened for everything and anything to satisfy my bespeak for knowledge
“Pata Pata!”
When I look up to “The Falling Sky” the stars were dancing
The music is uplifting, healing and soul touching The music travels with you “into it the ether” The kind of music you feel Music that will invoke you to “Standup in the cold”
Age means nothing You will never “Stand alone” “You been waiting all your life” To experience the show
“The New Day” of Rock n Roll. Rock is alive! I was awaken to sound and I was “Ready for the Garden”
Let me try to explain my obession
It’s the little guy who sings of “Broken Bells” and “Ascending to the Stars as One” His Scared Jumpsuits glad the stage with joy and happiness!
It’s the twin clutching a 61 Les Paul and Rocking you to the moon- your face literally melts from the hotness!
It’s the drummer with a enormous beats and pure heart. He radiates pure energy and stamina!
It’s the “Why you so baby” multi-talented Beautiful Bass player and for what?
Promoting peace, love and unity Environmental awareness through music!
The music is you!
I became obsessed I am obsessed
I must know everything Pass it on
In the Spring From the dirt In which you were just thought From the seed you were sown After waiting what seemed an eternity You reared your little green head I smiled You chased the sun But you were not alone All your little friends were near Growing into the light The broadening of your leaves Unique in sight Summer granted maturity And you were the Mom and Pop of the dirt In the Fall you gave your greatest gift Seeds of the fruit Then returned to the dirt The Sun still Shines