Glue: you hold our family together through every weather Radiant: your joy brings me smiles and it lights up the whole house Adolescent: you bring out the kid in me Needless: I look up to be as independent as you are when I am your age Doting: you are adorable and just happy Musical: singing your gospels Open-heated: your love for us glows Missing puzzle piece: without you life would be like an unfinished puzzle
Feeling like an ugly duckling was never a good feeling. Being picked on was also a non-good feeling. Being a teenager can be hard, starting to care about what people say makes it even harder , and being insecure also brings its baggage. I’ve always felt that there was someone who looked better than me and was actually better than me from middle up until high school. In middle school comes bullies and with bullies there are victims and bystanders, I was once the victim but now in high school I was the bystander. I never let anyone get bullied because I knew what it felt like, I would always stick up for someone no matter how big the bully was. I made people feel great about themselves even if I did not receive it in return. Being this way I believe that I started to listen to my own advice and gained more confidence than before.
Oh how I longed for this day I believed it would have been more of an hooray Shopping for my last first day felt like so much fun But as of now I wish it was never done People may say “high school is the best years, make the most of it” But now that it is almost done I feel like I need more of it I’ve never thought of time in an orbit However living in it’s reality I have realized Those people were right Now that it is time to say goodbye; goodbye to that warm cozy feeling that night right before your first day I’ve never thought that I would be dreading the first last day.
Stay home, stay six feet apart , wash your hands and schools closed indefinitely. Taylor is a thirteen year old girl who has recently adjusted to the seventh grade. Just now learning the differences between boys and girls , she also learns the differences between herself and the rest of the girls her age. During the shelter-in-place, Taylor’s mom is stuck at the downtown hospital during the night. She hires a seventeen year old Nanny named Penny, who is faced with many wondrous questions from Taylor about sex, sexualities, and why she wasn’t like the rest of the girls. Around the third week of the shelter-in-place after having many dreams about Penny and herself , Taylor is ready to explore her dreams in real life.