I still hate him; he was all take, I was all give,
As he found himself, I drifted apart from me,
I was desperate. I thought I needed a
So I dissected a corpse,
And realised what had I been waiting for?
I was desperate. I needed a....
...I don’t know...something to achieve in the long run, and it was long,
I became a doctor. It was long, slow,
But I did it. And celebrated with a trip to where I was meant to go on my honeymoon.
And plie’ He bends with no hint of a tremble, An effortless grace, He is doing it for his daughter, But he keeps an emotionless face,
And releve’ He rises like a sunflower in June, Elegance to the tips of his fingers, As he holds his posture as still as the air, His daughter’s memory lingers,
And tendu, He stretches through the sunlight, His shadow graciously behind, Remaining focused on the mirror, And his love that is so blind,
And glissade, He glides as if he has silk wings, You can see he moves with love, He made one promise only, And dances as if she’s watching from above,
And sauté, He jumps with the softest of landings, Firstly we are startled followed by awe, He loses his gaze for only a second, To where his feet are on the floor,
And elance’, He darts with a fire in his eyes, His soul is beginning to show, So powerful yet so neat, A balance of pure love and technical flow,
And tourne’, He gracefully turns and as he does, We all start clapping his finish, A dance so full of hurt yet beauty, For the love for her he will never diminish
I’m thinking of going back, Back to where it all started, I’ve only been there once or twice, And I was satisfied when we parted,
But something wasn’t right, I looked comfortable but I didn’t fit in, But I don’t like being awkward, So I continued to try to get in,
As the days passed and time was running out, From my mistake, I chose to learn, So I went back and approached an assistant, “Hi there, I’d...um....I’d like to make a return”
Then I realised I’d lost the receipt. So I returned home with no return.
Softness is to anger what rain brings to snow, Like a friend with a blanket that softens the blow, Like a cloud which dims the sun to a glow, Softness is to anger what strength brings to woe,
Hope is to despair what stars bring to night, Like a pitch black room with key hole light, Like the blind being blessed with ever so faint sight, Hope is to despair what courage brings to fright,
Love is to hate what artists bring to art, Like a poet finding beauty in a broken heart, Like a painter bringing together two worlds apart, Love is to hate what optimism brings to start
Adele Brain tumours Can gone off milk kill you? Dream meaning of falling down a well Easiest way to make 50 quid Funniest jokes in the world Good pubs near me How to de-shell an egg effectively I can’t hear out of one of my ears Jobs that don’t kill your soul Killers on the loose Lyrics to Little Mix album Memes referring to office work Names of people I know Ocean animals that will freak me out Personality tests Quotes for Instagram Roast spuds Size of whales penis The Kardashians UK getaways Videos of shark attacks Why do we get bad breath in the morning? Xmas present ideas for people you hate YouTube tutorial on harmonica playing Zodiac signs and compatibility
Why is it that every morning when the radio comes on it’s the weather?
And why does the forecast always predict cloudy skies with a chance of rain?
Why can’t I just tune in when a catchy song comes on Lady Gaga perhaps?
There’s nothing more depressing than the weatherman saying cloudy
Why can’t they say cloudy with a chance of sun instead of rain?
Why are clouds enough to trigger a bleak outlook for the rest of the day?
Or maybe it isn’t the clouds, but simply my head that is cloudy.
It could be that I can’t take any more hovering balls of rain today.
Going home I put the radio on and again, here it goes ‘Cloudy with a chance of rain’
Life without you, Is a window with no view, A street with no lamps, An invitation with no stamps, A cake with no topping, Bubble wrap with no popping, Sand with no castles, Birthdays with no parcels, Football with no goal, A song with no soul, Searching for who, Is a life without you