Ajayla Manuel
I’m a versatile P.O.E.T check out my work in the link.

Ajayla Manuel
I’m a versatile P.O.E.T check out my work in the link.
On the left side holding the umbrella is me Close by is our destination As bad as we both want to look down to avoid The downpour Strong wind and heavy rain One of us has got to look up and focus So we can get there safe It's me Guiding Counting 1,2,3 Hoping and jumping over the puddles at the same You won't get left behind ''You ok I asked'' Look up We made it we've arrived here safely.
One thing about me is I don’t like fire My house,The hotel Literally got caught So for the city I’m in now to be on it Quite scary Rapidly it spreads Vision Nothing but grey thick smoke Get low Stop,drop,and roll That’s what they taught us In school Jumping in that water don’t even look appealing or cool You’ve got to move Inhaling and exhaling in that environment IS NOT SAFE Get away don’t look back Depth,I’m not going to get into it But The more I look at this pic it just gives Sodom and Gomorrah.