I could not stomach looking at it, and yet still, I could not look away from it. I could only stare and cringe with horror.
“Jonathan Weekes, Dead at 39.”
“It was a joke,” I said to myself the first second I read it. I had many enemies, I remembered, and this is just the kind of thing Joey or Mr. Knight would do. Mr. Knight loved a good laugh, and he was the kind of man intimidating enough to g...
It’s been four days since anyone has seen him last and rumors were brewing quickly. I’ve tried many times to cough up the truth about what happened the night of my brothers disappearance. I tried admitting my role- the role of loved ones. I’ve lied so many times- lied to police officers, looking them straight in their solemn eyes. I was tired of running around the truth- tired of treating my broth...