Imagine feeling invisible to your own parents
I’m not talking old shit, but present tense
No matter how much you cry for them to see you
They complain and continue to do what they do
Imagine feeling invisible in this cruel world
Not only are you black, but you’re a black girl
Men constantly harassing you and making passes
Can’t call the cops with their trigger happy asses
Imagine, can you imagine how it feels to be me
A black girl who has to hide her sexuality
Because the world and her family is against it
The government, my people, they’re trying to omit
Imagine being nuerodivergent, a different point of view
But people look at you and others with the same hue
“You’re doing this for attention!” so often you’re told
“There’s nothing wrong with you, learn some self-control.”
Imagine going to the doctor, feeling invisible there too
Because the doctors don’t want to listen to you
You tell them what’s wrong; they let you suffer with the pain
When you leave, they gossip like you’re the one insane
Feeling invisible has left me feeling lonely and sad
Just a few good friends to confide in, I wish I had
I live in a world where it’s like people walk through me
And that constant feeling holds insecurities