Read if you dare
But if you do
You been warned
But right now I can gladly say
That your heart will beat faster
With every word I say
But for now,
There is an itch on your back
There is an itch when you walk
There is an itch all over you
That you can never reach
When you think
When you read
It will put you into
An uncanny mood
Bugs under your skin
The air crawling onto you
Your breathing is uneven
Nails wanted to get pulled off
Hair wanted to get pulled away
Legs feel numb
This will ruin your day
Death in your read
Do you still feel your sense
Or are you aware of your every move
Aware of all your senses around you
Aware of your every thought
You are now sitting uncomfortably
You have to now blink to cover up your tears
And you think of your worst fears
As they come to light
Don’t be afraid you won’t die today
A monster in the dark corner
Watching your very move
I am that monster
Watching you
Now I will predict
That these thoughts came into your head
All the things that I wrote
And put you into distress
And I am glad
That you felt the pain that I did
While I was writing this