EXT: shot of quiet suburban streets, minimal cars; a few people walking
Show a row of houses with an old weatherboard with a white picket fence
INT FOREGROUND: A girl with large headphones around her neck is standing by a kitchen bench, tapping on her iPhone. She is dressed in activewear, hair tied back in a strict bun. The activewear is a mixture of expensive brands.
There is a fruit bowl on the kitchen bench with oranges and hand sanitiser beside it.
BACKGROUND: there is a TV on with the news, reporting on Coronavirus. A dull buzz of the news can be heard with words like ‘cases are slowing’; ‘restrictions not to be lifted’; ‘impact to the economy has been terrible’.
Girl lifts her phone of the bench, smile on her lips. Taps it one last time. A soft music beat from her headphones starts. She pulls her headphones on. Background noise cuts out and Fitness by Lizzo starts playing from 0:09 seconds ‘independent’.
She cricks her neck - left and then right.
MOVING SHOT INT: Camera follows the girl leaving the kitchen, walking straight down a hallway to the front door.
EXT. MOVING SHOT - She opens the front door walking to the gate, leaning on the post to complete hamstring stretches.
Camera continues following her as she runs through local surburban streets. Other people / or sometimes her veer onto the verge or onto the road, taking almost a comical approach to maintaining social distancing. The girl does not run particularly fast, almost a slow jog.
MONTAGE the girl is running past empty shops; the girl is running through a local park; the girl is running past a a school. With each cut, the music changes to another top 40 song.
CLOSE UP. The girls face is red, there is sweat beading on her forehead, and she’s breathing hard. The camera moves as if she is turning a corner, her eyes go wide.
CUT to black. Title appears ‘ONE POINT FIVE’